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June 2023 - Quick Update
Posted on 06/04/2023

It's hard to believe almost half the year is over already! Well some good news is that inventories are looking a bit better after finally being able to carve out some time for pcb assembly. More of that will be happening over the summer months, which is often much slower for sales anyway, with the goal being to have inventories built up for some of the more popular products into the end of the year. Some nvram modules that have been out of stock for a bit should have some stock soon. And we'll be getting some Piggy Deux boards assembled after that to satisfy some waitlist interest on that item (thanks to those that signed up for being patient)!

That's really it for updates right now! Enjoy your summer!

April Inventory Update
Posted on 04/14/2023

Feels like a broken record, but we are still playing catch-up with inventories as of April. This should improve very soon as we schedule time over the next several weeks to knock out some assembly. 6264/6116 are low stock, but that will be resolved in several days. We'll then target some other items/kits that have been OOS for a bit. The plan is to get far enough ahead of inventory to have this be a non-issue on the remainder of the year.

Inventory & Wait List
Posted on 02/24/2023

We are definitely light on inventory of some items & hope to rectify that by April/May.  It's tax time [yuck] so that will impact things a bit into the new month as we get Uncle Sam squared away.

Update: Items that are OOS now have a "Wait List" sign-up, so if you're interested in anything you can now get on the list and we'll notify you once available.

5101 NVRAM & Inventories
Posted on 02/16/2023

The 5101 NVRAM we sell has been out of stock for the last 8 months or so -- and we'd like to rectify that sooner than later.  Unfortunately the 5101 module just takes a long time to build out and has taken a back-seat to other products that we need to maintain inventory on.  At this point we have two choices -- remove the product from the website entirely, or set the price at something we can justify devoting assembly time to.  We believe it's better to at least give the customer a choice to buy a product, rather than eliminate it completely from our line-up because the time cost in assembly is too great for us to entertain at a certain price.  So we'll be doing the latter -- bumping the price up slightly and then getting the 5101 NVRAM available once again.  The good news is, we should then be able to keep it available year-round.  We are in a busier part of the year with tax season, so it will take a few months to get better inventory on the 5101 NVRAM and some other products, we are targeting April/May to have more stock on the website.

Speaking of taxes -- as we have discussed at times previously, taxes significantly affect the bottom line of this type of business (hand-assembled products).  Whatever price we sell a product at, you then have to subtract cost of materials, Paypal fees & figure roughly 40-45% overall taxes on the sale price.  Time/labor of hand assembly has to be figured directly into the product pricing, because it cannot be part of the cost of goods unless a 3rd party assembles the product.  This is all just part of the normal "unfun" part of a business that happens behind-the-scenes, but we do like to mention it from time-to-time so customers who haven't operated a business can have a better understanding that the price on the website is not anything near the "take-home" profit.

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